

To understand the sustainabily in architecture we need to understand the basic concepts.

The 3 pilars of the sustainability are the socio-cultural education, the socio-economic development and the environmental protection

We also need to accomplish the 4 operational principles:

-The human extraction from the environment can not exceed the productive capacity of nature.
-The use of renewable resources must be balanced with it’s regeneration.
-The use of non-renewable resources must be eventually replace them into renewable resources.
-The emissions into the environment must not exceed the absorptive capacity of the receivers.

Another important thing is the life-cycle assesment. it consists in group of studies to analizyze the environmental impact of a product in all it’s usefull life including it’s creation and it’s destruction. This studies also analyze the ecoligical footprint that consists in the efect that a group of activities cause in the environment.

The 3R consist in Reduce, Reuse and Recicle.

With this basic concepts now we can talk about healthy buildings

Relationship with nature influence positively on the superior nervous functions, determining sensations of well-being. Especially with terms such us: proportion of spaces, chromatic atmosphere, texture of materials and exterior views

The Sick Building Syndrome is caused by: biological factors, chemical factors, physical factors or psychosocial factors . This syndrome is intrinsicly relacionated with the building.

The eneergy and health of human being largely depend on the direct effects of the environment in wich he lives.

The climate affects us direcly, that is because the human being is a thermal machine that transforms chemical energy into mechanical energy with great heat dispersion due to its metabolism.

The main elements of the cimate environment that influence human comfort are:

-The temperature of the air.

-The radiation, thermal emission.

-The movement of the air.

-The relative humidity

With thw industrial development we have lost somo of the most important skills lerned and used about centuries.

The Baubiologie has the aims to minimize the negative impacts of constructions both in the health of the occupants ans on the environment. Its characteristics are: attention to insulation and thermal inertia, assive instalatoins, water saving and recovery, healthy materials, acoustic and sunlight control…

Bioclimatic architecture represents a working method wich starting with preliminary studies of the climatic conditions on the site, directs the project to achieve sustainability and bioarchitecture objectives.

In terms of materials, Traditional materials experienced over the centuries in traditional architecture guarantee conditions of greater whole- someness and well-being compared to synthetic materials. All in all many of the “natural” materials are submitted for productive or applying reasons to treatments with potentially harmful chemicals.