

The architecture is based in five pilars: Place, Space, Form, Funcionality and Materials.

In terms of Place, the most important thing is the relations between the buiding and the exterior

Relation of contrast :The relation with the place is of juxtaposition or abstraction. Architecture dominates the landscape or is alien to it.

Relation of camouflage :The relation of the building with the place is of extreme integration: mimesis.

Relation of organicisim :Building is a nod to the place is the integration by reinterpreting its elements to show sensitivity.

Relation of contextualism :It is about meaning of the building with a relationship with the place justifiable.


The Space construction is basicly architecture, there are different types of space with different meanings.

The classic space is closed and compact, this is caused by the historical tendence of loadbearing walls that caused massive walls.

The japanese traditional space isased on modules of tatami. Closely linked to the function, it is never perceived as a whole or subdividedunit, as in the West, but as the sum of the individual rooms.

The modern space breaks the compact tradition , breaks the “box” and lets the space flow, allowing horizontal and vertical conections both at the inside or at the ouside.

In the contemporary space ona feature is the total and absolute confusion of the public space with the entire building space that isunique and continuous. The concept of FREE SECTION is born: it consists of ending the tyranny of the horizontal plane, deforming it, twisting it, etc.


In terms of Form we have many different options to have care in.

The Rhythm consists on sequences or repetitions of shapes in space.

The Axis are linear element that define and dristribute the space.

The Symmetry consists on the relationship between points or shapes and the center or axel.

The Hierarchy is the relationship of supremacy of an element over others this can be by the size, by the form or by the situation

The Module is the unitary element which serves as a proportional unit, and which is repeated on the same scale or at different scales.

The Movement is given by irregular shapes that give the idea os movement.

The Unity is the idea that all the parts are of a whole so nothing should be removed or added.

The Centrality is the organization of space around a attracting center. The center is neither necessarily the geometric center nor a physical point, but it is the focal center.

The Balancing is the complementary relationship between the elements of a composition, thet can be in equilibrum or in dynamic.

The Limits are the edges of the elements where we can see a visible change.

The Light: “Architecture is the learned game; correct and magnificent of forms assembled in the light. Our eyes are made to see the forms under the light: the shadows and the clearings reveal the forms.” Le Corbusier

The Contrast is the different manifestation of the elements that usually are used

The Colour is the chromatic manifestation of the elements to be used.

The Texture of a surface is finishing of the elements involved in the final perception of architecture.

The Proportion gives an harmonic relation of dimensions according to certain mathematical or geometric rules.

The Scale is the relation between the size of the building and the size of the human being.


With the different Fuctions we look for different feelings.

Mechanical Functionalism Beauty comes automatically from the most perfect
mechanical efficiency and not from a deliberate
search for beauty.

Organic Functionalism The form takes on a biological sense and adapts itself to the living functions which must be carried out in the environment, that is, adapted to human activities and the social environment.

Moralistic Functionalism It comes from the classical aesthetic. Beauty and utility are so close that they become confused.


Extraordinary availability of Material means an manpower, largely non-specialized. The arch and vault are the main elements for the coverage and the walls are the basic supports.

The Romanesque construction creates the rook with barrel vaults reinforced by arches. The walls are reinforced with exterior buttresses. Barrel vaults are replaced by groin vaults.

The construction resulting from theses innovations is a constructuon with clearly load bearing parts.

Nowadays prefabrication, in some ways, it changes the way we buikt or manage consruction.